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SC14 Sets New Records

Sandia’s Hendrickson and Leland Win SC14’s Second Test of Time Award

Researchers’ 1995 SC Paper on Parallel Computing Considered One of the Most Influential Papers in the HPC Community

Full Papers due 4/18/14 by 11:59pm EDT - and not a second later!

Get your papers in STAT!  Full tech papers are due this Friday, April 18, 2014 by 11:59pm EDT. 
Submit via: https://submissions.supercomputing.org

Make it a Team Effort! Join the Student Cluster Competition

Students interested in demonstrating their HPC skills on a global stage are invited to form teams and sign up to compete in the 8th Annual Student Cluster Competition. The Student Cluster Competition is a high-energy energy event featuring young supercomputing talent from around the world competing to build and operate powerful cluster computers.

For detailed information on how to participate, click here

SC14 Now Accepting Tech Program Submissions

SC14 is now accepting submissions for the Technical Program. Submit your work now for Research Papers, Posters (Regular, Education, and ACM Student Research Competition), Panels, Tutorials, BOF Sessions, Scientific Visualization & Data Analytics Showcase, Emerging Technologies, and the Doctoral Showcase. 

For more information on topic focus areas, deadlines, etc. visit :  http://sc14.supercomputing.org/program