ACM Student Research Competition Posters
Adaptive Power Efficiency: Runtime System Approach with Hardware Support
. Ehsan Totoni (University of Illinois)
Analysis of Energy and Power Consumption by Remote Data Transfers in Distributed Programming Models
. Siddhartha Jana (University of Houston)
Archer: A Low Overhead Data Race Detector for OpenMP
. Simone Atzeni (University of Utah)
Comparing Decoupled I/O Kernels versus Real Traces in the I/O Analysis of the HACC Scientific Applications on Large-Scale Systems
. Sean McDaniel (University of Delaware)
Computing Approximate b-Matchings in Large Graphs and an Application to k-Anonymity
. Arif Khan (Purdue University)
Creating a Framework for Systematic Benchmarking of High Performance Computing Systems
. Mike Pozulp (College of William & Mary)
Enhancing FlashSim Simulations for High Performance Computing Storage Systems
. Omar Rodriguez (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico)
Floating-Point Robustness Estimation by Concrete Testing
. Wei-Fan Chiang (University of Utah)
A Framework for Distributed Tensor Computations
. Martin D. Schatz (University of Texas at Austin)
Gkleepp: Parallelizing a Symbolic GPU Race Checker
. Mark S. Baranowski (University of Utah)
A Molecular Model for Platelets at Multiple Scales and Simulations on Supercomputers
. Li Zhang (Stony Brook University)
Multi-Level Hashing Dedup in HPC Storage Systems
. Eric E. Valenzuela (Texas Tech University)
Orthogonal Scheduling of Stencil Computations with Chapel Iterators
. Ian Bertolacci (Colorado State University)
Parallel Complex Network Partitioning
. George M. Slota (Pennsylvania State University)
Performance Variability Due to Job Placement on Edison
. Dylan Wang (University of California, Davis)
Real-Time Outlier Detection Algorithm for Finding Blob-Filaments in Plasma
. Lingfei Wu (College of William & Mary)
Reducing Network Contention Associated with Parallel Algebraic Multigrid
. Amanda J. Bienz (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Scalable Asynchronous Contact Mechanics with Charm++
. Xiang Ni (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Scalable Fault Tolerance in Multiprocessor Systems
. Gagan Gupta (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Static Analysis of MPI Programs Targeting Parallel Properties
. Sriram Aananthakrishnan (University of Utah)
Supervised Learning for Parallel Application Performance Prediction
. Andrew Titus (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Towards Improving the Performance of the ADCIRC Storm Surge Modeling Software
. Nick Weidner (Univeristy of South Carolina)
WrAP: Write Aside Persistence for Storage Class Memory in High Performance Computing
. Ellis Giles (Rice University)
SC14 Archive