SC14 New Orleans, LA

ACM Student Research Competition Posters

  1. Adaptive Power Efficiency: Runtime System Approach with Hardware Support. Ehsan Totoni (University of Illinois)
  2. Analysis of Energy and Power Consumption by Remote Data Transfers in Distributed Programming Models. Siddhartha Jana (University of Houston)
  3. Archer: A Low Overhead Data Race Detector for OpenMP. Simone Atzeni (University of Utah)
  4. Comparing Decoupled I/O Kernels versus Real Traces in the I/O Analysis of the HACC Scientific Applications on Large-Scale Systems. Sean McDaniel (University of Delaware)
  5. Computing Approximate b-Matchings in Large Graphs and an Application to k-Anonymity. Arif Khan (Purdue University)
  6. Creating a Framework for Systematic Benchmarking of High Performance Computing Systems. Mike Pozulp (College of William & Mary)
  7. Enhancing FlashSim Simulations for High Performance Computing Storage Systems. Omar Rodriguez (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico)
  8. Floating-Point Robustness Estimation by Concrete Testing. Wei-Fan Chiang (University of Utah)
  9. A Framework for Distributed Tensor Computations. Martin D. Schatz (University of Texas at Austin)
  10. Gkleepp: Parallelizing a Symbolic GPU Race Checker. Mark S. Baranowski (University of Utah)
  11. A Molecular Model for Platelets at Multiple Scales and Simulations on Supercomputers. Li Zhang (Stony Brook University)
  12. Multi-Level Hashing Dedup in HPC Storage Systems. Eric E. Valenzuela (Texas Tech University)
  13. Orthogonal Scheduling of Stencil Computations with Chapel Iterators. Ian Bertolacci (Colorado State University)
  14. Parallel Complex Network Partitioning. George M. Slota (Pennsylvania State University)
  15. Performance Variability Due to Job Placement on Edison. Dylan Wang (University of California, Davis)
  16. Real-Time Outlier Detection Algorithm for Finding Blob-Filaments in Plasma. Lingfei Wu (College of William & Mary)
  17. Reducing Network Contention Associated with Parallel Algebraic Multigrid. Amanda J. Bienz (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
  18. Scalable Asynchronous Contact Mechanics with Charm++. Xiang Ni (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
  19. Scalable Fault Tolerance in Multiprocessor Systems. Gagan Gupta (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
  20. Static Analysis of MPI Programs Targeting Parallel Properties. Sriram Aananthakrishnan (University of Utah)
  21. Supervised Learning for Parallel Application Performance Prediction. Andrew Titus (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
  22. Towards Improving the Performance of the ADCIRC Storm Surge Modeling Software. Nick Weidner (Univeristy of South Carolina)
  23. WrAP: Write Aside Persistence for Storage Class Memory in High Performance Computing. Ellis Giles (Rice University)

SC14 Archive