25 Countries and 320 Exhibits: Christine Cuicchi Gives a Q&A on SC14 Exhibits

The SC Exhibit Floor is the only event that balances corporate exhibits with a showcase for innovative applications in HPC, networking, and storage from research institutions, universities, national laboratories, and nonprofit research centers on five continents. In addition, scientists and engineers display the latest advances in computational modeling, imaging, visual analysis, and data technologies, often partnering with industry exhibitors to showcase how particular products can achieve new research discoveries. SC is truly a unique venue where industry meets research. This year we have 185 industry exhibits and 135 research exhibits registered for booth space, spanning 25 countries-all on the SC14 Exhibitors List to help you plan your visit!
Another key event of the SC Exhibits is the Exhibitor Forum, which offers an opportunity to learn about the latest advances in the supercomputing marketplace. Manufacturers, vendors and HPC service providers will present new products, services and roadmaps. Industry leaders will share their insights into customer needs, market drivers, product strategies and technology trends. Case studies will illustrate how their current and future solutions can be used effectively. It's an exciting part of the Exhibits program!
Also, submissions for the Exhibitor Forum are still open! We're inviting companies to bring their great ideas and submit a proposal to wow the HPC attendees. Submissions are still being taken until Monday, October 6, 2014 at https://submissions.supercomputing.org.
The Exhibits program is growing and we are excited to see what this year brings!
Read more from Christine Cuicchi, DOD HPC Modernization Program, on the SC14 blog.
Got a Booth? Got a Whisper Suite? Don't Forget to Reserve Your Network Connections
SCinet is the exclusive provider of network services at SC14 and the SCinet Connection Request System (CRS) is open! Please register your booth and whisper suite before September 30, 2014 17:00 CDT. A $1000 late fee applies for any connections added on or after this date. For pricing details please see the CRS FAQ. And to request a connection, please go to https://scinet.supercomputing.org/crs/. Additional SCinet policy information can be found on the SC14 website (http://sc14.supercomputing.org/scinet) as well.
Questions? Please contact SCinet Support: support@scinet.supercomputing.org
HPC matters Video Competition is Closing Sept 15!
Share your 1-minute HPC matters video and get a chance to win FREE registration to SC. The deadline for uploading your video is coming up quick and don't forget to hashtag it--#HPCMatters.
Deadline to upload videos on Youtube: September 15
More information at: http://sc14.supercomputing.org/media/social-media
Check out the Best Paper and Best Student Paper Candidates
In all, eight papers were selected as Best Paper candidates and 7 were selected as Best Student Paper candidates this year. Consult the SC14 schedule and mark your calendars to attend the Best Paper sessions on Tuesday and Wednesday featuring this year's outstanding research contributions. The winners will be announced at the Awards Session on Thursday.
Tutorials Program and Invited Speakers are Online!
The SC Tutorials program is always one of the highlights of the SC Conference, offering attendees a variety of short courses on key topics and technologies. Tutorials also provide the opportunity to interact with recognized leaders in the field and to learn about the latest technology trends, theory, and practical techniques. See who is running tutorials at http://sc14.supercomputing.org/program/tutorials. Tutorial Dates are November 16-17, 2014.
Invited speakers are also now published online. Invited talks will feature leaders in the HPC. Invited Talks will typically concern innovative technical contributions and their applications to address the critical challenges of the day. See who we have lined up at http://sc14.supercomputing.org/schedule.
Voting Opens This Week for the 2014 HPCwire Readers' Choice Awards
CAST YOUR BALLOTS! The nominations are in and it is time for the readers of HPCwire to make their selections on the best of 2014! The
HPCwire Readers' Choice Awards gives readers like YOU the opportunity to have your vote counted on the most exciting things happening in HPC today! Like always- the winners will be announced during SC.
Do your part - support the global HPC community and make your voice heard! Vote for your favorite candidates for the 2014 HPCwire Readers' Choice Awards!
Elections close at 11:59 PM October 3- 2014.
Join Leading SC14 Exhibitors at Student Job Fair
Tables are filling for the SC14 Student Job/Opportunity Fair. The event, part of the HPC Interconnections program, will be held from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Wednesday, November 19. This face-to-face event will be open to all students and postdocs participating in the SC14 conference, giving them an opportunity to meet with potential employers. Registration fee for exhibitors is $500. As available space is tight, all exhibitors are encouraged to register as early as possible. Organizations wishing to participate in the SC14 Student Job/Opportunity Fair should contact sc@heiexpo.com for a registration form.
Questions? Contact: student-job-fair@info.supercomputing.org
More information at: http://sc14.supercomputing.org/engage/hpc-interconnections/student-jobopportunity-fair
Get SCinet's Help to Visualize and Monitor Your Demo
Running a demo at SC14? SCinet's Measurement Team is available to assist with monitoring and visualizing wide-area demos. With an address of a perfSONAR server at the remote end-site, regular testing can be established from the SCinet network to evaluate performance characteristics. Additionally, SCinet encourages using hsflowd to instrument computational and storage devices that are present on the show floor. More information can be found on the hsflowd blog: http://blog.sflow.com/2010/10/installing-host-sflow-on-linux-server.html
Questions? Contact: SCinet Measurement Team: measurement-team@scinet.supercomputing.org
When Registering, Sign Up for the Mentor/Protégé Program
Conference attendees are invited to become mentors for participants in the HPC Interconnections programs: Experiencing HPC for Undergrads, Student Volunteers, Broader Engagement and the Student Cluster Competition. To sign up- just answer "yes" to the question "Would you like to mentor a HPCI participant while attending the conference?"
The Mentor-Protégé program is sponsored by the Broader Engagement Committee to support newcomers to the conference and HPC and enable them to fully benefit from the conference and its more experienced participants.
Questions? Contact: mentor-protege@info.supercomputing.org
Hotel Reservations Close October 17
Don't fret about making hotel reservations on your own! SC14 has a reservation system with the best hotels and rates for New Orleans. October 17 is the last day for making reservations, or for canceling reservations without penalty-so don't wait!
Visit the Housing page for more information at: http://sc14.supercomputing.org/attend/housing