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New Orleans Convention Center

New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

In November of 2014, the Supercomputing Conference is going back to New Orleans with new ideas and a fresh take on HPC. Spotlighting the most original and fascinating scientific and technical applications from around the world, SC14 will once again bring together the HPC community for an exceptional program of technical papers, tutorials, timely research posters, and Birds-of-a-Feather (BOF) sessions.

As we head toward the conference week, 16-21 November 2014, please use this monthly newsletter as a resource for final preparations, deadlines and news regarding the conference.

Important dates and Deadlines

May 30, 2014
Network Resource submissions due

June 15, 2014
Broader Engagement applications due
HPC for Undergrad applications due
Student Volunteer applications due

July 31, 2014
BOF submissions due
Emerging Technologies submissions due
All Poster submissions due
Doctoral Showcase applications due
Scientific Visualization Showcase submissions due

SC14 Invitation Video


SCinet: High Performance Networking at SC
Call for Network Resources Open Until May 30
Coming Soon! Network Research Workshop Call for Participation
Apply Now for Broader Engagement, HPC for Undergrads, Student Volunteers
Submit Your Research, Expertise, and Educational Work on HPC!

SCinet: High Performance Networking at SC

Kate MaceGlobal research and education networks make up a critical circulatory system that supports the HPC community—connecting researchers in all domains to their collaborators, their experiments, their data and their computing resources, regardless of geographic location. At SC, we work to build one of the most powerful networks in the world—called SCinet—that uniquely allows exhibitors and attendees to demonstrate their brand new research live on the SC exhibit floor.

This month, SC is focusing on SCinet which not only provides super high capacity connections but operates using the latest networking techniques in software defined networking, new transport protocols, and performance measurement. Combined, these networking techniques allow scientists to use HPC resources in the most effective and efficient way. For SC13, SCinet delivered just under one terabit of bandwidth to the show floor for our exhibitors and attendees. Plans for SC14 are well underway and we're anticipating even greater capacity as our teams of expert engineers strive to provide the best platform for unique live demonstrations and breakthrough network research experimentation.

As your SCinet chair this year, I'd like to invite all the exhibitors and researchers to bring your data-intensive research and your terabytes of data to SC to show what you can do with SCinet's high performance network. We have opened the Call for Network Resources and encourage you to think about the connections you will need to run your HPC demos, experiments, and visualizations at SC14. I also encourage your participation in a Technical Program Workshop focused on network research.

We look forward to pushing the boundaries of SCinet's capabilities further every year to show what the HPC community can really do, and we hope you will join us in this effort.

Kate Mace
SCinet Chair

Twitter logochanging the world @SC14 #HPCmatters

Call for Network Resources Open Until May 30

Each year exhibitors plan large-scale demos that connect the convention center to remote HPC resources around the world.

To provide the best experience possible for SC14, SCinet is requesting that exhibitors and network entities identify their wide area network (WAN) resource needs. WAN circuits are needed for any exhibitor that requires point-to-point connectivity to a remote location to support a large-scale booth demonstration. Please contact the SCinet WAN Team with your intent to use SC14's network and the details of your specific requirements, including: Circuit type and bandwidth, Carrier or provider, Circuit origination points, Circuit termination point on the SC14 show floor, if known.

Wide-area network circuit requirements due: Friday, May 30
For more information visit:
Questions? Email: WAN-team@scinet.supercomputing.or

Coming Soon! Network Research Workshop Call for Participation

SCinet will be running a new workshop in the Technical Program that brings together network researchers and innovators to discuss challenges and novel ideas regarding the capacity and functionality of networks, its control, and its architecture to be demonstrated at SC14. We invite papers and demonstrations that propose and discuss these new and novel techniques such as software-defined networking, optical networking, open clouds, etc.

Watch out for the Workshop's Call for Participation at

Apply Now for Broader Engagement, HPC for Undergrads, Student Volunteers

Applications are now being accepted for three initiatives comprising SC14 HPC Interconnections program, which provides a welcoming entry for attendees who may be new to the community or the conference.

Broader Engagement seeks to increase the participation of individuals who have been traditionally under-represented in HPC. The Broader Engagement Program offers special activities to introduce, engage and support a diverse community in the conference and in HPC.
Application Deadline: June 15, 2014
Questions? Email:

Experiencing HPC for Undergraduates introduces undergraduate students at the sophomore level and above to HPC research topics and techniques. The program introduces various aspects of HPC research at the SC14 Conference to increase awareness of research and career opportunities.
Application Deadline: June 15, 2014
Questions? Email:

Student Volunteers help with the administration of the conference and have the opportunity to participate in student-oriented activities. In exchange for volunteering, students receive complimentary conference registration and meals.
Application Deadline: June 15, 2014
Questions? Email:

Submit Your Research, Expertise, and Educational Work on HPC!

There are still many opportunities to present your work at SC14! There are programs to fit everyone's interests and expertise including Birds-of-a-Feather sessions (BOFs), Emerging Technologies, Posters (ACM Student Research Competition, Regular and Educational), the Scientific Visualization and Data Analytics Showcase, and the Doctoral Showcase.

Submissions due: July 31, 2014

The Birds-of-a-Feather (BOF) program invites you to hold a session that emphasizes audience interaction and open discussion on non-commercial HPC topics of mutual and current interest within the HPC community. BOF sessions are an excellent opportunity to connect and interact with peers in HPC. SC14 will feature BOF sessions about many HPC-related topics such as accelerators, programming models, big data, and education.
Web Submissions:
Questions? Contact:
More Information:

Emerging Technologies
Submissions due: July 31, 2014

If you are an industry, academia, or government researcher, join this year's Emerging Technologies Exhibit Showcase. The Technical Program's Emerging Technologies examines technologies that may significantly change the world of HPC in the next five to fifteen years. Consisting of panel sessions and competitively selected exhibits, Emerging Technologies will showcase technologies that are innovative, but not currently available from industry as products.

Submissions will be evaluated on several criteria including potential impact on performance, productivity, power, reliability, and cost of HPC systems, and novelty. Submissions with exceptional merit may be offered the opportunity to present them at an Emerging Technology panel session.
Web Submissions:
Questions? Contact:
More Information:

Submissions due: July 31, 2014

Send us your posters on education and cutting-edge research! Following the success of last year's Education Posters track, we are happy to continue the education track for undergraduate HPC educators, with an emphasis on curriculum development and best teaching practices. The regular Posters track will again provide an excellent opportunity to display cutting-edge research and work-in-progress with short presentations and informal discussions with conference attendees. A Best Poster Award will be presented, based on the quality of the work and the quality of the poster presentation.

SC14 will also host the ACM Student Research Competition (SRC). This competition will feature posters from undergraduate and graduate students showcasing original research. Only one student, who must be an active ACM member, can author each poster. Selected poster presenters will be given the opportunity to present their work in short talks during the conference. The ACM SRC committee will select a set of winners based on their poster content and presentation style.
Web Submissions:
Questions? Contact:
More Information:

Scientific Visualization and Data Analytics Showcase
Submissions due: July 31, 2014

Submit your visualization movies with a short paper for the newly designed Visualization and Data Analytics Showcase Program! This program provides a forum for the year's most instrumental movies in HPC. Six finalists will compete for the Best Visualization Award. The movies will be judged by an ad-hoc committee for their video's scientific impact, techniques used, and innovative ideas. The winners will present their video during the Opening Session and at the Award Ceremony.
Web Submissions:
Questions? Contact: vis
More Information:

Doctoral Showcase
Submissions due: July 31, 2014

The Doctoral Showcase Program invites graduating Ph.D. students in high performance computing, networking, storage and analysis to present a summary of their dissertation research and engage in stimulating discussions with the SC community. This program provides an ideal opportunity for prospective employers as well as an opportunity to educate junior graduate students working in high performance computing areas. Come and display your HPC expertise in the Doctoral Showcase!
Web Submissions:
Questions? Contact:
More Information:

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