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New Orleans Convention Center

New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

In November of 2014, the Supercomputing Conference is going back to New Orleans with new ideas and a fresh take on HPC. Spotlighting the most original and fascinating scientific and technical applications from around the world, SC14 will once again bring together the HPC community for an exceptional program of technical papers, tutorials, timely research posters, and Birds-of-a-Feather (BOF) sessions.

As we head toward the conference week, 16-21 November 2014, please use this monthly newsletter as a resource for final preparations, deadlines and news regarding the conference.

Important dates and Deadlines

April 4, 2014
Tech paper abstracts due

April 7, 2014
Tutorial submissions due

April 11, 2014
Full papers due
Student cluster proposals due

April 25, 2014
Panel submissions due

May 1, 2014
Gordon Bell applications due

May 1, 2014
George Michael Memorial HPC Fellowship applications due

SC14 Invitation Video


The SC14 Tech Program, Showcasing Our HPC Accomplishments
Fast Approaching! Only One Day Left to Submit Technical Paper Abstracts: Due April 4
Tutorials Submissions Deadline Extended to April 7!
Panel Submissions Due April 25
Calling All Students! Still Time to Enter Cluster Competition - April 11 Deadline
Open Now! Submit for Student Volunteers- Broader Engagement- and HPC for Undergrads
Attention Graduating Ph.D.s! Doctoral Showcase Program is Now Open Until July 31

The SC14 Tech Program, Showcasing Our HPC Accomplishments

Jack Dongarra"SC plays an important role in the high-performance community. It is through the SC conference that HPC practitioners get an overview of the field, get to showcase our important work, and network with the community. This year I'm happy have the chance to work as the Technical Program Chair with Michela Taufer from the University of Delaware as my Co-Chair, and Bruce Loftis from the University of Colorado, Boulder as my Chair Assistant.

I would like to extend an invitation to everyone in the HPC community to join us for this year's Technical Program. As we approach our deadlines in the next few days for invited talks, panels, research papers, tutorials, workshops, posters, and Birds-of-a-Feather sessions, I strongly encourage everyone to join us in celebrating and sharing everything that is HPC. SC14's Technical Program will continue to have HPC's most informative, exciting, and stimulating events of the year."

Jack Dongarra
Technical Program Chair

Twitter logochanging the world @SC14 #HPCmatters

Fast Approaching! Only One Day Left to Submit Technical Paper Abstracts: Due April 4

The Technical Papers Program at SC is the leading venue for presenting the highest quality original research, from the foundations of HPC to its emerging frontiers. The SC Papers Committee is soliciting submissions that introduce new ideas to the field and stimulate future trends in eight areas: Algorithms; Applications; Architectures and Networks; Clouds and Distributed Computing; Data Analytics, Visualization and Storage; Performance; Programming Systems; and, System Software. SC also welcomes submissions that make significant contributions to the "state-of-the-practice" by providing compelling insights on best-practices for provisioning, using and enhancing high-performance computing systems, services, and facilities.

PLEASE NOTE: An abstract submission is required in order to submit a full paper.

SC follows a two-part submission process, with abstracts due by April 4, 2014 and full papers by April 11, 2014. **For all papers, all authors who submit an abstract by the abstract deadline will be granted an automatic extension of up to one week (168 hours) without making a special request-no further extensions will be granted.**

Abstracts and papers must be submitted electronically at A sample submission form is also available at that site (click on the tab "Sample Submission Forms" at the login page).

Abstracts due: April 4, 2014 (required)
Full Papers due on April 11, 2014

For more Tech Paper info, click here!

Tutorials Submissions Deadline Extended to April 7!

The SC Tutorials Committee encourages proposals for full day (six hours) or half-day (three hours) tutorials with broad applicability and of interest to the HPC community and the SC14 attendees. The SC Tutorials Program is one of the highlights of the SC Conference series, and it is one of the largest tutorial programs and will continue the tradition of offering a high-quality tutorial program providing attendees the opportunity to learn from, and to interact with, internationally recognized experts.

Submissions due: April 7, 2014
For more Tutorial info, click here!

Panel Submissions Due April 25

Panels at SC14 are among the most important and heavily attended events of SC. Panels bring together the key thinkers and producers in the field to consider in a lively and rapid-fire context some of the key questions challenging high performance computing, networking, storage and associated analysis technologies for the foreseeable future.

Panels can explore topics in-depth by capturing the opinions of a wide range of people active in the relevant fields. Panels represent state-of-the-art opinions, and can be augmented with social media technologies including Twitter, LinkedIn, and video feeds-even real-time audience polling.

Submissions due: April 25, 2014
Questions? Email:
For more panel info, click here!

Calling All Students! Still Time to Enter Cluster Competition - April 11 Deadline

Team applications are due Friday, April 11, for the SC14 Student Cluster Competition. This is your school's opportunity to show your CS stuff on a global stage.

Open Now! Submit for Student Volunteers, Broader Engagement, and HPC for Undergrads

April 1 marks the opening date to apply for three initiatives comprising SC14 HPC Interconnections program, which provides a welcoming entry for attendees who may be new to the community or the conference.

Student Volunteers help with the administration of the conference and have the opportunity to participate in student-oriented activities. In exchange for volunteering, students receive complimentary conference registration and meals.

Application Deadline: July 31, 2014
Questions? Email:

Broader Engagement seeks to increase the participation of individuals who have been traditionally under-represented in HPC. The Broader Engagement Program offers special activities to introduce, engage and support a diverse community in the conference and in HPC.

Application Deadline: June 19, 2014
Questions? Email:

Experiencing HPC for Undergraduates introduces undergraduate students at the sophomore level and above to HPC research topics and techniques. The program introduces various aspects of HPC research at the SC14 Conference to increase awareness of research and career opportunities.

Application Deadline: July 31, 2014
Questions? Email:

Attention Graduating Ph.D.s! Doctoral Showcase Program is Now Open Until July 31

The Doctoral Showcase Program is an extremely productive venue that invites graduating Ph.D. students in high performance computing, networking, storage and analysis to present a summary of their dissertation research at SC14. The talk format allows for a summary presentation of the full dissertation, time for questions and answers, and may include previously published work.

Faculty, please pass this on to your graduating students!

More Information can be found at:
Application Deadline: July 31, 2014
Questions? Email:

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