Fast Approaching! One week Left to Submit Technical Paper Abstract
(Required for Papers)
Abstracts Due April 4
The Technical Papers Program at SC is the leading venue for presenting the highest quality original research, from the foundations of HPC to its emerging frontiers. The SC Papers Committee is soliciting submissions that introduce new ideas to the field and stimulate future trends in eight areas: Algorithms; Applications; Architectures and Networks; Clouds and Distributed Computing; Data Analytics, Visualization and Storage; Performance; Programming Systems; and, System Software. SC also welcomes submissions that make significant contributions to the "state-of-the-practice" by providing compelling insights on best-practices for provisioning, using and enhancing high-performance computing systems, services, and facilities.
An abstract submission is required in order to submit a full paper. SC follows a two-part submission process, with abstracts due by April 4, 2014 and full papers by April 11, 2014.
**For all papers, all authors who submit an abstract by the abstract deadline will be granted an automatic extension of up to one week (168 hours) without making a special request-no further extensions will be granted.**
Abstracts and papers must be submitted electronically at
A sample submission form is also available at that site (click on the tab "Sample Submission Forms"
at the login page).
Abstracts due: April 4, 2014 (required)
Full Papers due on April 11, 2014
For more Tech Paper info, click here!