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- Announcing the Second Test of Time Award Winner
- CDC to Present at Supercomputing 2014
- Finalists Compete for Coveted ACM Gordon Bell Prize in High Performance Computing
- Four Ways Supercomputing Is Changing Lives: From Climate Modeling to Manufacturing Consumer Goods
- Join the Student Cluster Competition
- New Orleans Becomes Home to Fastest Internet Hub in the World
- SC14 Announces New Plenary to Focus on the Importance of Supercomputers in Society
- SC14 Registration Opens, Technical Program Goes Live
- Supercomputing 2014 Recognizes Outstanding Achievements in HPC
- Supercomputing 2014 Sets New Records
- Supercomputing Invited Plenary Talks
- Supercomputing Unveils Ground-Breaking Innovations and the World’s Fastest Computer Network
- World’s Fastest Computer Network Coming to New Orleans
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About SC14
SC14: #HPCmatters
Conference: November 16-21, 2014
Exhibition: November 17-20, 2014
The Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - New Orleans, Louisiana, United States.
HPC is helping to solve our hardest problems in the world. Innovations from our community have far reaching impact in every corner of science, all the way to investment banking, in the discovery of new drugs, to the precise prediction of the next superstorm. For more than two decades, the SC Conference has been the place to build and share the innovations that are making these life-changing discoveries possible.
In November of 2014, SC is going back to New Orleans with new ideas and a fresh take on HPC. Spotlighting the most original and fascinating scientific and technical applications from around the world, SC14 will once again bring together the HPC community – an unprecedented array of scientists, engineers, researchers, educators, students, programmers, system administrators, and developers – for an exceptional program of technical papers, tutorials, timely research posters, and Birds-of-a-Feather (BOF) sessions.
The SC14 Exhibition Hall will feature exhibits of the latest and greatest technologies from industry, academia and government research organizations; many of these technologies will be seen for the first time in New Orleans. Mark your calendar and make your way to New Orleans. No city offers the same extraordinary mix of food, music, culture, and history; and no conference offers a better opportunity to view the why HPC matters.
Join the community in November to share our collective accomplishments and to engage in important conversations of how we make HPC Matter to our lives, our future, our communities and our world.